Welcome to Regalia, a PJO zine based on Royalty AUs. We invite you to stay and check out what we have to offer.PRODUCTION PHASE

Jan 1- Feb 15Interest Check
Feb 20IC Results
Feb 25- March 25Contributor Applications
April 5Contributor Emails
April 12Last day to enter server
April 25Pitches Due
May 15Check-in 1
June 10Check-in 2
July 7Check-in 3
July 27Check-in 4
August 17Final Submission
September 19Preorders Open
October 31Preorders Close

What is a fandom zine?
A fandom zine is a collection of many fanworks, usually about a specific theme.
What is the theme of this zine?
This zine is themed around a royalty AU of the Percy Jackson and the Olympian characters. All content created for this zine will depict the PJO characters as members of royalty. We are open to all interpretations of "royal", including ruling hierarchies throughout histories and cultures.
Will ships be allowed?
Yes, this zine accepts ships. All ships are welcome, though canon or canon-typical (i.e. AU content that is comparable to canon content) ships are preferred.
What is this zine's rating?
This zine is rated PG-13. This includes non-graphic violence and injuries, and romance without explicit sexual activity.
Will the zine be digital or physical? For-profit or charity?
We are currently planning the zine to be a physical, for-charity project. This may be adjusted depending on the results of the interest check. If chosen, the charity will be decided by contributor vote.
How will contributors be compensated?
All contributors will be guaranteed a digital PDF of the zine and the ability to purchase any physical items at production cost, with preorders deciding additional compensation. Additional details will finalized pending the results of the interest check.